Jan 14-16,2024 – San Diego, California, USA

Jan 14-16,2024 – San Diego, California, USA

Saveer participated & exhibited key research infrastructure solutions in most prestigious conference PAG 31. The International Plant & Animal Genome (PAG) 31 took place from January 12-17, 2024, in San Diego, California, USA. This conference is the largest Ag-Genomics meeting in the world. It annually brings together over 3,000 leading genetic scientists and researchers in plant and animal research. The conference featured over 120 exhibits, 140+ workshops, 1000+ posters, and 1700+ abstracts. The National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) also attended the conference. The PAG 31 provided a forum for recent developments and future plans for plant & animal genome projects.

The conference envisaged to bring together international experts and researchers in the areas of agriculture, biotechnology and genome editing where Saveer promoted Research Greenhouses, Speed Breeding Chambers, Plant Growth Rooms & Phytotron Facilities. Exhibiting many prominent dignitaries of industry, Saveer demonstrated knowledge, experience & expertise in establishing customized turnkey research infrastructure solutions by sharing the in-house R&D results.  The crops grown using speed breeding technique will take less time in regenerating and subsequent screening of the population can be done in short period for identification of the high yielding varieties. The highlight is that in conventional approach, researcher could able to harvest 2-3 crops in a year, while growing crops using speed breeding protocol, the same researcher user can get 4-5 crops harvested in a year